Fake friends never ask for food. Real friends are thr reson why you have no food. Fake friends call your parents mr/mrs. Real friends call your parents mom/dad. Fake friends bail youout of jail & tell you what you was wrong. Real friends would sit next to you saying... "Dam..We fucked up.. But thet shit was fun!" Fake friends have never seen you cry. Real friends cry with you. Fake friends will leave you behind if thats what the crowd is doing.Real frineds will kick the whole crowds ass that left you. Fake friends are for awhile. Real friends are for life. Fake friends will talk shit to the person wo talks shit about you. Real friends willl knock them out. Fake friends will ignore this. Real frieds will send this to all ther real friends & hope to get it back.<3>Que harias si por cada momento de felicidad hubiera 10min de trisetza?Que harias si tu mejor amigo muriera manana y nunca le pudieras decir lo que significo para ti?Asi que te quiero decir que si por alguna razon no vuelvo hablar contigo quiero que sepas que as hecho una gran diferernica en mi vida. Te quiero te respeto y te valoro con todo mi corazon. Ahora dejale saber a viejos amigos que nolos as olvidadoy a nuevos amios que nunca lo haras. Recurda que todos necesitian un amigo
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