Pyhons Snakes
Pythons are non venomous snakes that are found in tropical and subtropical Asia, Africa, and Australia. They have been introduced into USA, South America, and Europe as pets. In Florida, pythons have escaped captivity and are thriving and breeding well in nature. The fact that invasive species may pose a particular risk for ecosystems, is a well known fact. A study by Reed (2005)1 warned that potential invasive species, such as ball pythons and reticulated pythons, may hurt areas with many endangered and or threatened species. Now this is happening in Florida, where pythons, at least according to the media, are havocking the ecosystem of Everglades National Park. However, some scientists claim that the problem is hyped, and that the reported numbers of pythons in Everglades National Park is much smaller than postulated. At this point, the actual effects of a well-established population in the Everglades remain to be seen. Some organizations want to stir up grant money for their agendas and publicly claim that the problem is worse than it actually is. However, one thing is for sure, pythons in Everglades are there to stay. Unfortunately, radical animal rights organizations are pushing their special interests to accomplish their own agendas (HR 2811 or S.373 bill by Kendrick Meek, Florida) such as taking away the freedom of people to keep and breed the animals they love.
Pythons prefer to capture prey by ambush. They have a forked tongue with sensors that can help them detect odor from potential prey. The sensor organ is called the Jacobson or vomeronasal organ. Pythons also lie and wait for prey to come by. They strike with lightning speed. Python snakes kill their prey by constriction - that is the prey die from asphyxiation (being deprived of oxygen/suffocation). A study (Ayers et al. 1997)2 found that large body size, and a coiled posture, slows the cooling rate of pythons and positively affects the snakes ability to detect and capture potential prey.
Females tend to delay reproduction until they have enough energy to breed a large clutch of eggs. Pythons mature when they are 5 to 6 years old. If there's plenty of food pythons can reproduce in vast numbers. In fact, the proportion of pythons reproducing each year is tightly connected to prey availability (Shine & Madsen (1997)3). Interbreeding is possible. Combinations of e.g. Burmese Pythons and African Rock Pythons are seen.
World's biggest snakes
The biggest snakes on our planet are pythons and some species can reach lengths of up to 35 feet. That is also why pythons are found in most Zoo's - they simply are fascinating animals.
With respect to habitat, python snakes are generalists. They thrive in both wet and dry areas and when both types of habitats are present, it is perfect for them too. Some pythons are capable of both swimming and climbing in trees. Being able to swim, and or climb in trees, increase the number of potential prey. The diversified nature of python snakes is what makes pythons such a versatile snake species. Adult pythons have few natural enemies because of their size and their ability to combat attacks. However, smaller pythons have a lot of enemies including lizards, crocodiles, large birds, such as storks and eagles, and large predatory animals, such as large cats, and other mammals.

The larger the python the larger prey is needed. Large pythons are capable of eating animals such as pigs and deer. When the prey has been asphyxiated it is swallowed in full. It takes the python from one to several days to digest a prey. Even though most pythons have fairly large teeth, they only use them to hold onto something. The teeth of python snakes angle backward to keep hold on prey during constriction. Most prey are swallowed head first. This is also why humans are difficult prey. Our broad shoulders prevent us from being swallowed.
Body temperature regulation
Typically, pythons display high body temperatures, and often, the main challenge for pythons is to keep cool rather than to warm up. Also, the body temperature in pythons is warmer than the air temperature due to confined habitats, microhabitats, where the temperature is a bit higher (Shine & Madsen, 1996)4. Furthermore, most studies on thermoregulation among reptiles has been done on lizards in deserts, where body temperature regulation may be more of an isssue than with pythons. In fact, pythons probably not spend much time thermoregulating at all as a tolerable body temperature may be achievable through thermoconformity, the same as no thermoregulation at all (a complicted word for something very simple that is often used in Zoology).
Python size and prey size
Often, a collection and dissecation of a snake will show that the large the snake, the larger the prey size in its stomach. The two main reasons are probably that a large snake can handle a relatively large prey and and that it can swallow a larger prey (Shine, 1991)5. However, there are five reasons that seem to explain why larger pythons, or snakes in general, eats larger prey items.
The five reasons are i) Pythons of different sizes forages different places and using different hunting practices and may therefore encounter different prey, ii) Smaller snakes tend to capture smaller prey as they are very efficient at capturing and handling preys at exactly that size, iii) Smaller snakes are not able to eat larger preys due to their own size, iv) Smaller snakes doesn't have the power to overcome large prey, and finally v) Smaller snakes can not even capture larger prey, simply because they are too slow and weak.
Pythons in Florida
In Florida a population of Burmese pythons in the Everglades National Park has become a nuisance according to some reports. The ecosystem of Everglades National Park is greatly damaged by the invasion of pythons that have no natural enemies in Florida. The main problem is that the Burmese Python is eating birds, mammals and alligators, some of which are endangered.
Pythons are large predators eating almost everything in sight. Nobody is quite sure about the size of the python population in Florida, but the wildest estimates are in the range of 100,000 to 150,000. The last reported number with some credibility was 3,000.
The population of pythons has grown because of two reasons:
First the hurricane Andrew destroyed some reptile breeding facilities near the Everglades National Park in 1992. About 800 baby pythons were literally blown into the park area. It takes Burmese pythons 5-6 years to mature so the pythons in Everglades today are the third generation of those snakes that escaped in 1992. Thats why the population is spiking.
Secondly, some pet owners are still disposing their Burmese Pythons into Everglades Nationalpark when they grow too big to handle. Burmese pythons from pet owners breed as well. The very large and heavy species, more than 100 pounds, are probably pythons that used to be pets; wild Burmese Pythons are usually less than 100 pounds.
Although fatalities from snake constriction are rare, visitors to parks and swamps have to be careful when on their own. A picture illustrating the nature of the Burmese python snake is shown below. A 13 foot python snake tried to swallow a 6 foot alligator but ruptured during its venture.
Invasive species such as python snakes in have a detrimental effect on the ecosystem as the native species are not prepared to compete for prey with 20 foot long snakes. Currently there are probably too many python snakes in Everglades National Park posing a danger to both humans and animals in the park.
Ball Python, Royal Python or «King Python»
The Ball python is also known as the Royal Python. In some countries the name is translated into the King Python. However, both ball python and royal python are more common names. The reason why Python regius, the Latin name, is called the Ball Python is that it curls into a ball when frightened or scared. The snake is black with golden colored or yellow-brown sides. It is a common pet and can be found in many different colors and varieties. During the winter breeding season its intake of food is minimal. When kept in captivity ball pythons can reach an age of up to 40 years.
Reticulated Python
Reticulated pythons (regal pythons) are popular pets even though they can reach a size where they can pose a real danger. They can reach a length of almost 30 foot (9 meters) - and the reticulated python is probably the largest snake species in the world even though the recorded maximum length is only 28.5 foot. This is the only snake known to actually eat people. Most incidences are about snakes killing a person, not swallowing the person also.
African rock python
The African rock python is among the largest snakes on our planet. This species is said to be able to reach a length of 32 feet. Although not confirmed, African rock pythons can grow huge. They are often seen in zoos due to their size. The Afican rock python is widely distributed in Africa. It prefers some degree of humidity. In Africa there are a lot of myths about this snake which is due to its size and the fact that mankind have been aware of its presence ever since man evolved in Africa.
Other pythons
Other and very popular python species include the species listed below. Some names are only used in some areas of the world, so the list below may contain some names foreign to herpetologist in one area while the names are common in other areas of the world:
The black headed python. This species is native of Northern Australia. It is rather small and reaches only a length of 90 inches or approx. 2.25 meters.
Ramsay's python. The Ramsay python is found all over Australia. It reaches a length of 7 feet.
Ringed python. This python is rare and only found in the Bismarck Archipelago (islands north east of New Guinea). They can reach a length of 7 feet.
Calabar python. This was once considered a python but is now recognized as a boa snake.
Children's python. Endemic to Northern Australia. The reason for the name is that children's pythons are very small - only up to 50 inches.
Carpet python. A subspecies of the Diamond Python. It can grow to almost 10 feet.
Amethystine python. One of the largest snakes in the world. It is native of New Guinea and Northern Australia.
Indian python. As the African rock python and the Amethystine Python the Indian Python is one of the world's absolutely largest pythons.
1 Reed RN. An ecological risk assessment of nonnative boas and pythons as potentially invasive species in the United States. RISK ANALYSIS 25(3) pp. 753-766 (2005)
2 Ayers DY, Shine R. Thermal influences on foraging ability: Body size, posture and cooling rate of an ambush predator, the python Morelia spilota. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY 11(3) pp. 342-347 (1997)
3 Shine R, Madsen T. Prey abundance and predator reproduction: Rats and pythons on a tropical Australian floodplain. ECOLOGY 78(4) pp.1078-1086 (1997)
4 Shine R, Madsen T. Is Thermoregulation Unimportant for Most Reptiles? An example Using Water Pythons Physiological Zoology, Vol. 69(2), pp. 252-269 (2006)
5 Shine R. Why do larger snakes eat larger prey itemsFunctional Ecology, Vol. 5, pp. 493-502 (1991)
2 Ayers DY, Shine R. Thermal influences on foraging ability: Body size, posture and cooling rate of an ambush predator, the python Morelia spilota. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY 11(3) pp. 342-347 (1997)
3 Shine R, Madsen T. Prey abundance and predator reproduction: Rats and pythons on a tropical Australian floodplain. ECOLOGY 78(4) pp.1078-1086 (1997)
4 Shine R, Madsen T. Is Thermoregulation Unimportant for Most Reptiles? An example Using Water Pythons Physiological Zoology, Vol. 69(2), pp. 252-269 (2006)
5 Shine R. Why do larger snakes eat larger prey itemsFunctional Ecology, Vol. 5, pp. 493-502 (1991)
Hunting python snakes in Florida
In Florida permits have been issued to allow trained herpetologist to catch python snakes. Pythons are not native in Florida and according to media they are killing endangered species in Florida and wrecking up the ecosystems of Florida. In Everglades National Park pythons snakes are of some concern to biologist and rare species of birds and mammals can be threatened with extinction if the problems persists.
Python snakes was introduced into Everglades National Park by an accident at a reptile breeding facility in 1992 and by pet owners disposing their Burmese Pythons when they have become to large to handle. Without any natural enemies and plenty of food they have been able to breed into a large population. It is estimated that 3,000 - 150,000 python snakes can be found throughout Florida in the wild.
Python snakes will not be eradicated by these efforts, but is probable that the population will decrease significantly. If continued efforts are undertaken to remove python snakes from Everglades National Park and other areas of Florida, the population of pythons can be kept at low levels and the pressure on the ecosystems can be relieved. Continued efforts may concentrate of a combination of capturing pythons and setting up traps and baits for the pythons.