A Mexican walks, into a cafe & noticed that he was the only Mexican man there. As he sat down, he noticed a white man behind him. The white man said,"COLORED PEOPLE aren't allowed here "The Mexican man turned around & stood up. He then said:"LISTEN PENDEJO..When i was born brown, when i grew up i was brown when i get sick im brown ,when i go in the sun im brown, when im cold im brown, when i die i'll be BROWN".."But you PENDEJO..When you we bron you are pink, when you grow up your white, when your sick you are green, when you in the sun you turn red, when you are cold you turn blue, & when you die you turn purple,"..."& you have the nerve to call me colored? CHINGA TU MADRE, PUTO!" IFyour prowde to be brown keep this going.
A Mexican walks to a soda machine he puts in two quarters & the machine shows DIME te mexican goes up to the machine & whispers QUIERO PEPSI lol...
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