OMG!!!!Don't you hate it when you do something & your parents find out then you get into trouble??? Ugh...well that's what just happen last week I did something i sneaked out the house & next thing i know my parents find out. Dang i hate it when parents dont explain how they caught me but it was my fault.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

First, i want you to know that you are amazing,& i love you to death. If i dont get this back, i understand. But i have a game for you. Once you read this letter,you must send it or tell people you love. nobody knows what they havve until they lose it. you never leave the person who you love for the one you like, because that person you like will leave you for the person they love.

SPANISH letter

Hey yal abristes. ver dad que no lo vas mandar? pero que tal si envez de la imagen de cristo

estubiera la imagen de algo prohibido. verdad que si lo mandarias a todos!! pero quien es el que te protege y cuida a el no le importa quien eres el si te toma en cuenta el si te escucha y tu? Tu solo lo llamas no sabes que quienama a cristo se ama asi mismo.
Hay 3 cosas en la vida que no se deben romper: CORAZONES una PROMESA y una linda AMISTAD.

~Hacer un amigo es una gracia.. tener un amigo es un don..conservarun amigo es una virtud ser tu amigo es un honor.

~GOD doesnt give you the people you want, he gives you the people you NEED- To help you, to hurt you, to leave you & to make you into the person you wre meant to be. Dear GOD: The person reading this is beautiful, cool, classy, stronge, intellgient, & so on. Help them live their lives to the fullest. Please promote them & cause them to excel above their expectatons. Help them shine in the darkest placeswhere it is impossible to love. Protect them at all time, lift them when they need you the most, &let the know when they walk with you, they will always be safe. In JESUS name amen
~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,ot's about learning to dance in te rain.
Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Mexican walks to a soda machine he puts in two quarters & the machine shows DIME te mexican goes up to the machine & whispers QUIERO PEPSI lol...

Cheka tu cuenta de banco... te desposite Amor, Bendiciones y Salud, tu pin es D.I.O.S Anda y deposita ests nota a tus amigos para que sean igual de millonarios que tu,Dios te bendiga! Me puees prestar 35 centavos? Nesesito llamar al cielo y hablar con dios y darle las gracias por haverte traido a mi vida.

Que harias si por cada momento de felicidad hubiera 10min de trisetza?Que harias si tu mejor amigo muriera manana y nunca le pudieras decir lo que significo para ti?Asi que te quiero decir que si por alguna razon no vuelvo hablar contigo quiero que sepas que as hecho una gran diferernica en mi vida. Te quiero te respeto y te valoro con todo mi corazon. Ahora dejale saber a viejos amigos que nolos as olvidadoy a nuevos amios que nunca lo haras. Recurda que todos necesitian un amigo
Monday, April 26, 2010
Road to success

The road to success is not stargiht. There is a curve called FAILURE, a loop called CONFUSION, speed bumps called FRIENDS, red lights called ENEMIES, caution lights FAMILY, you will have a flats called JOBS. But if you have a spare called DETERMINATION, an engine called PERSEVERANCE, insurance called FAITH, a driver called JESUS, you will make it to a place called SUCCESS. Bless 7people...IM GODS PROPERTY!!!!
Another Charactrer's Perspective
We were gather here tonight in the normal course of things, there would have been no call for a meeting to decide Darren Shan's fate. He failed the Trials of Initiation - the penalty for which is death. He then fled from sentencing, a crime punishable in only one way - death. In the past, he would have been put to the stakes, and none would have intervened on his behalf. But times have changed, and Darren has played an instrumental part in opening our eyes to the need for changed. He has endured great pain and sacrificed his freedom for the good of the clan. He has fought bravely and proven his worth. Previously, his reward would have been a noble death. ow, however, pleas have been submitted, arguing for his right to live. (Paris Perspaective)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Vampire PRINCE is about branded a traitor, betrayed by a friend, hunted by the vamipre clan- Darren Shan, the vampire's assistant , faces certain death. Can Darren reverse the odds & outwit a vampire prince, or is this the end of thousands of years of vampire rule? Darren's intinition on Vamipre Mountain draws to a stuuing, bloody conclusion - But the Saga continues...
Monday, April 12, 2010
Loving couple

- She stares into your eyes bitting her lips.
- She always wraps her arms around you
- She will play with her hands , shirts, pants, etc. just waiting for you to make the move
When a boy wants to kiss you
- They hold your hand & always plays with it
- They stare into your eyes for a long time
- They get close to your face.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Snake finished eating

Respond to Reading
"Darkness- cold- churing water- roaring, like thousand lions- spinning around & around- blashing into rocks -arms wrapped around my face to protect it- tucking up my legsmyself smaller, less of a target. Wash aganist a clump of roots- grab hold- slippery- the wet roots feel like dead fingers clutching at me- a space between the water & the roof of the tunel- i draw quick gasps of breath- current takes hold again - try figthing it- roots break off in my hands- swept away. Tumbling over & over- hit my head on a rock- see stars- almost black out- struggle to keep my head up -spit water out of my mouth,but more gushes in - feels like I'm swallowing half the stream. The current drags me aganist the wall- sharp rocks cut deeply into my thighs & hips- freezing-cold water numbs the pain- stops the flow of blood -a sudden drop- plummet into a deep pool - down,doon,down -held under by force of the falling water- panicking- can't find my way up- drowning- if i don't break free soon,i'll......"
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
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